The Anambra FA Election Saga Shows NFF Are Avoiding Public Outcry Over More Important Issues Affecting Nigerian Football

Why is NFF investing more time and energy on Anambra FA election when they have a more critical issues at hand to deal with?

The final standings for 2019/2020 league season is yet to be made public as adoption and application of PPG becomes a mystery and mirage in this part of the world.

One million dollars ($1m) FIFA grant is in the cooler for the NFF to share yet nothing is been said on how they plan to judiciously spend the fund, rather Pinnick claimed they're waiting to mop up sponsors intervention funds before they could reach decision. But right there in Ghana, Sierra Leone and other part of the world, their FAs already mapped out plans and made to the public how the funds is going be expended long before they received the money from FIFA.

And I asked again, is NFF tacitly deviating public attention from the real issue?

By Ajiboye Kazeem

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