One thing I have learnt in life is never to be broken by circumstances. To me negative circumstances tend to toughen us. I ignore the pain of life and rather fire on to make my dream of touching lives and affecting my generation positively a reality. And every day I contribute something positive to push me to my goal of saving as many type-2 diabetic as possible. It is a battle that must be won.

Some people who have had diabetes mellitus for ages and were on drugs and insulin get well and go to their physicians to announce their testimony. They get shocked when their doctors tell them to stop whatever they are doing. The doctors want them to go back to what made them diabetic. They want them to get diabetic complications such as amputation, blindness, kidney disease and brain damage. Yes, the doctor can see from tests that you are better, more energetic and that your diabetes is reversed but that seems not to be his primary concern.

This trend sometimes makes me to wonder about the essence of medicine; if it is to promote good health or to increase the mortality rate. Or is medicine designed as a measure to drastically control the population as a sustainable development goal? To say the least, medicine has long deviated from the mission of the founding fathers, which is to save lives, promote good health and vitality. Is this not ridiculous, illogical and senseless?

I used the Eating Window and Non-Eating Window to reverse my diabetes, which is considered by some professionals as quackery and ridiculous and dangerous. I have also used this therapy to reverse the type-2 diabetes of many people globally.

Some medical professionals have come to my blog to tell the diabetics not to listen to me, that my concept was fallacy. They private chat my media person to that effect. I once told the media man to refer a diabetic doctor to me which he did. The doctor has long gone off insulin and all diabetic drugs. His diabetes is cured, yes cured. Why do we run away from cure? Why do we stay with management of the disease that has a cure? To me, it sounds like a conspiracy of the medical system with the pharmaceutical giants to keep exploiting the people, while their health conditions deteriorate to irreversible complications that send them to early graves. This is unfair!

Is there any big deal about Eating and Non-Eating Window? Why is it referred to by doctors as quackery? Is it not about the fact that people should not keep eating like termites? Is it not about fasting? This is not new. This was used by the founders of ancient and modern medicines. It has been used, not only for weight loss, but to improve concentration, extend life, prevent Alzheimer, prevent insulin resistance and even reverse the entire aging process.

Hippocrates (460-370 BC) is widely considered as the father of modern medicine. Among the treatments that he prescribed and championed was the practice of fasting. Hippocrates wrote: “To eat when you are sick is to feed your illness.” Plutarch (46 AD-120 AD) wrote: ”Instead of using medicine, better fast today.”

One of the fathers of modern medicine, Paracelsus wrote: “Fasting is the greatest remedy - the physician within.” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) wrote: “The best of all medicines is resting and fasting.”

On the religious front, Jesus Christ, Mohammed and Buddha all shared a common belief in the healing power of fasting.

All these are to establish the efficacy and the safety of my Eating and Non-Eating therapy to reverse type-2 diabetes. I usually recommend 1.00pm to 5.00pm, that is five hours’ Eating Window per day. From 5.00pm to 1.00pm the following day is Non-Eating hours; however, the shorter the eating hours, the better. Contrary to the popular belief of three square meals per day, your body may not need more than one meal per day. This will confront your high insulin resistance. So stop eating like termites and get the type-2 diabetes cured. Eating numerous times is not evidence-based medicine.

Meanwhile testimonies are still flooding into my WhatsApp and SMS channels on the efficacy of the diabetes reversal remedy.

 I hope all these are of help to you. Better days will soon come. Use this stormy season to transform your health. Don’t die. Live to fulfil your destiny.

Thanks for being part of Larger Than Life this week. Let us fine-tune a movement together to drastically reduce diabetes mellitus spreading globally in a pandemic format.

Please permit me to shout out to my son, Obasegun Ayodele of Vilsquare, an award-winning IT guru, who is a year older today. He just manufactured a volt school and volt microscope as an easy and affordable online learning platform for out-of-school students globally.

Also I rejoice with the most amiable executive governor of Ekiti State and chairman of Nigerian Governor’s Forum, Dr. John Kayode Fayemi who has just recovered from the dreaded coronavirus infection after 11 days in isolation.

You can now call me, send an SMS or WhatsApp message to 08033335496. If you are reaching me from outside Nigeria, add +234. I am here to help. I respect and love you all

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