Thanks for being here with me. A lot of my clients and fans who have reversed type 2 diabetes implored me to share their testimonies. Also, a lot of people who read the last edition of Larger Than Life said they tried to follow the advices and it worked for them. In the same vein some are of the opinion that they will not succeed, therefore they never tried. A lady from Zambia was ready to sponsor my team to set up Diafa Ayodele Organics in Zambia. She is sad that we are not in Zambia.

From the East, West, North to South Africa as well as other parts of the globe, phone calls and WhatsApp messages keep flooding my lines as people want to get acquainted with what to do to get diabetes reversed. A professor of medicine who is a member of the American Diabetes Association called me personally to appreciate our diabetes reversal movement. He wanted to pay us just to join the movement and recommend as many diabetics as possible from the United States to us. He was shocked when I told him that there is no official movement yet, and no need to pay to join. These are the numerous issues I want to focus on in this week’s edition of Larger Than Life.

Permit me to take off with the testimonies of my clients and one fan. Even though they wanted their full names used, I won’t because of my bond to protect the privacy of my clients always.

One of my best is a 45 year-old-man from Port Harcourt. He started the reversal journey with 342mg/dL and within one week, he totally reversed his type 2 diabetes to normal range of 70 to 99mg/dL and since then there has been no going back. His words: “Thank God I am in the range. I thank God and Ayodele Remedy. Thank you doctor, I appreciate your therapy.”

Another fantastic case was recommended by some of our media partners who wanted to know the efficacy of the Ayodele Diabetes Natural Reversal Remedy. They referred us to a 61-year-old doctor from the same community with one of them. He lives and works in Ilorin. He started with 280mg/dL. In two weeks, he reversed his type 2 diabetes to 70-99mg/dL, and ever since, the diabetes remained reversed. When he read last week’s edition of Larger Than Life, he described it as “excellent write-up.” He continued, “Please you can put some of the testimonies of those who have benefited for others to see. Thank you sir. I hereby appoint myself as your marketing officer.” And ever since he has been referring some diabetics to us.

Another beautiful case is a 55-year-old lady from United States of America.  She was a type 2 diabetic on high dosage of insulin injection and two other drugs. Her blood sugar level was above 400mg/dL. She did not reverse the diabetes until after eight weeks. And after reversal, she has remained at the reversal mode.

A lady, 52, from Kenya, after reading Larger Than Life and getting the result of her diabetes reversal simply echoed: “My people perish because they lack knowledge, the Bible says. Nobody should live on drugs or even die because of a curable disease. I believe I am going to refer many patients to you from Kenya. It is a miracle. The monster is now history.”

There are thousands of my clients and fans who are happy today to have reversed type 2 diabetes. They are from all strata of the society, including very upper class, captains of the industry, top government functionaries as well as people in the middle and lower classes from various regions of the world. Let me stop here and shower praises on my clients who insisted that I should let the world read their testimonies. I hope I have satisfied your wishes.  

A word of advice for those who think they can’t reverse diabetes naturally; every project or endeavour you embark on may be messy at take-off, but if you persist, the hero and genius in you will interplay with your subconscious to make your dream a reality. It will end in praise.

Diabetes is a lifestyle-related disease that results in high insulin resistance, which leads to complications. It can result in the rottenness of the system, leg amputation, brain damage and loss of sight. Also, a lot of diabetics are obese. It is basically a disease of bad habits of eating and sedentary lifestyle. To reverse it, the bad habits must change.

There are three protocols that I have successfully used to change bad habits, and 66 days are required to effect the change. First stage is destruction. This is the most difficult of all the protocols. It takes 22 days to destroy bad habits. You have to engage serious discipline to attain this destruction stage. Next is the stage of installation of good habits, which is achievable in 22 days. Once you succeed at installing the habits in 22 days, you go on to the third stage which is integration of the new habits within 22 days.

Once you attain the last 22 days of integration, the new habits become auto-run. It becomes part and parcel of you. And it will be difficult to go back to the bad habits.

My advice therefore on reversing diabetes is to follow these protocols. Destroy bad eating habit, install good eating habit, then, the good eating habit will become part and parcel of you. That is the simple arithmetic for lowering the high insulin resistance and getting rid of excess sugar in your system. If you don’t eat sugary inclined foods, it won’t result in diabetes mellitus.

Hope all this is of help to you. Take action today by eliminating foods that result in diabetes and see the disease easily reversible.

In all these I am always beside you to help. Call/SMS or send WhatsApp messages to me if you or your loved ones are diabetic. My hotline is 08033335496, the code for those abroad is +234.  Get diabetes reversed, longevity is your birth right. Please don’t die premature. You are yet to fulfil your destiny. I love and respect you all. You are awesome.

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