Revealed: The decision of Anambra FA Congress on July 27th as duly communicated to the NFF

The Anambra State Football Association on the 27th of July held its Extraordinary Congress and issued the following communique amid controversies over the state’s football association election;

1. That the Congress has proposed and approved the appointment of Mr Emeka Raphael as the acting secretary of the Anambra FA in the absence of the secretary. 

2. That the Congress has proposed and approved the extension of the tenure of the executives till the conduct of the election. 

3. That the extraordinary Congress of the Anambra FA held on the 27th of July 2020 has approved that the 2020 election for the Anambra FA be conducted virtually. 

4. To this effect, the Congress has approved an immediate amendment of the statue to give the electoral committee the full backing at the Congress to conduct the Anambra FA election 2020 virtually in line with the COVID-19 protocols. 

5. By this manadate, the electoral committee is authorized to conduct the Anambra FA 2020 elections virtually and to choose when the election will be held whilst ensuring that all contestants, participants and delegate are fully informed. A recording of the virtual electoral process should be kept for documentation purposes. 

6. All decisions are hereby endorsed and approved by the Congress.

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